Three topics to cover in an employee handbook

Employers in New York may have many workplace rules and practices they expect their employees to follow. They may document these rules and practices in an employee handbook. Employee handbooks help business owners manage their enterprise, help employees understand their benefits and rights and can legally protect both business owners and employees.

There are three primary components an employee handbook can contain.

Policy information

An employee handbook can serve as a policy manual, outlining what is expected of employees. It can help employees understand how to obey workplace rules. For example, there may be attendance policies or restrictions on drug use. The employee handbook should contain provisions explaining the consequences for breaking a workplace policy. Employee evaluations and discipline processes should also be explained in the employee handbook.

Procedure information

An employee handbook can also serve as a training manual on workplace procedures. This helps not only new employees understand their role, but it can also help current employees understand how to execute their duties.

Benefits information

An employee handbook can provide information on the benefits offered by the workplace, including pay, sick leave and vacation benefits. The employee handbook can explain eligibility requirements for benefits and which types of workers qualify for benefits. The topic of raises and promotions can also be included in an employee handbook.

Have a professional review your employee handbook

An employee handbook can contain legal terms and it may be considered a legal document in certain situations. Therefore, you want to ensure it is legally sound and enforceable. This post does not contain legal advice. Business owners who want to learn more about drafting an employee handbook or who want to have an existing handbook reviewed may want to seek the guidance of an attorney.

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